Friday, October 9, 2015

Silence is required during the transition.

The duration of this state is uncertain.

Do not cling, in fondness and weakness, to this life. Even though you cling out of weakness, you have not the power to remain here.

Silence is required during the transition.

When the death symptoms are completed a white cloth is thrown over the face of the corpse and no person then touches the corpse in order that the culminating process of death, which ends only upon the complete separation of the body from its earth plane counterpart, shall not be interfered with. It is commonly held that normally the process takes from three and one-half to four days.

Silence is required during the transition.

Be not attached to this world; be not weak. Do not look back.

Be not afraid. That which is called death has now come. You are departing from this world, but you are not the only one; death comes to us all.

Silence is required during the transition.

Do not cling, in fondness and weakness, to this life. Even though you cling out of weakness, you have not the power to remain here.

(programmheft "Orfeo. Eine Sterbeübung")

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